With our Reputation Management service, we will scour the web for reviews made about your business, including Facebook, Yelp, Trip Advisor, Google and many more. You won’t have to wonder what is being said online about your business – you will know!

All your reviews are delivered into a Dashboard where you can easily respond to them. Best of all, you can do all of this right from you mobile device!

review dashboard

How the service works:

We use a highly sophisticated, specialized software to place control of your reputation into your hands!

  • We monitor dozens of social media sites for reviews about your business
  • All of the reviews are delivered to your Dashboard in real time, where you can easily view and respond to them – even from your smart phone!
  • Your reviews are displayed on a special Google-indexed microsite, getting you more listings on Google searches. See a microsite here
  • Targeted Facebook ads in your market to drive more positive reviews are included!
  • Your 4 & 5 Star reviews are re-marketed onto your Facebook page so more people can see them.
  • Website Pixel that allows us to retarget website visitors for 90 days with ads. These are Hot Prospects that will be reminded about coming to your place!
  • Website Review Widget that sends people from your website to your microsite where they will see all of your great reviews.
  • Generate more positive reviews with our Review Builder Survey. Send happy customers to one of your review sites, send unhappy customers to our platform to leave you private feedback. Check out our surveys here!
  • This service is specifically designed for bowling centers, to help you improve your online reputation!

You will not only gain access to all of your reviews, but you will see more 4 & 5 star reviews as a result!


 All of this is included in our Targeted Bowling Marketing (TBM) service, or purchase separately below.

Regular pricing for this essential service is $200 per month. However, please contact us for specific pricing for your center. Use the link below to get started!

*no contract, drop anytime after 90 days if not completely pleased

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