The goal with social media is to get your content in front of more people, so that they will think about coming to your center. We have successfully grown the visibility of every center we work with! Here are some case studies on the success of our Facebook for Bowling service:
Case Studies page
CASE #1 – Using someone other than to manage your Facebook page
A center in New York decides to drop our service for a big name marketing firm, and sees a massive drop in the number of people they reach with their content.

After a couple of months with little success, they switch back to us and watch their numbers soar again!

CASE #2 – Kids Bowl Free Results
This center used our Facebook for Bowling service the first year, but did it on their own the following year. Result: 27% drop in sign ups.

This center used our service both years.
Result: 40% increase in sign ups each year!

CASE #3 – Dropping our service vs adding our service
Center in Michigan decides to cut expenses for the summer and drops our service. Goes from reaching 1000+ people per day with their content, to reaching a few dozen.

Center in California realizes that 2 out of 3 adults have a Facebook page, signs up for our service in mid-April, and has their best summer in years!

The results are clear – our Facebook for Bowling service will make your center more visible in your community, which will result in more people coming thru your door!
Already have a member of your staff managing your page? No problem – we can work with them to take your page (and your results) to the next level!
Call us with questions at 541-549-0999 or hit the ‘Get Started’ link below.